So, just a quick note, because it's one of the few original thoughts I've had in weeks! Or something like that.
Have any of you been participating in Superstruct? This is Jane McGonigal's latest venture, a collaborative problem-solving oriented view of the next 20 years. I've been a peripheral attendee, so to speak, not really a player. But I do love it, and the notion of it. Dan Terdiman at CNET pinged me yesterday for comments, and I made some, and rereading them they seem awful. But!
I have a cold coming on which is making me cranky, and I didn't get enough sleep last night and the main thing is: I think the comments were at least trying to point at something really exciting. Which is that Superstruct, and efforts like it, are experimenting in a tremendously exciting area. All this new, bedazzling, technology offers us new ways to communicate, facilitating and creating new relationships and all... but we're just starting to ask some really amazing questions: like, how can we use this stuff to collectively collaborate on solving issues that affect us all? Like, our culture has a political system that's theoretically supposed to be doing a lot of that, providing us all with an overall structure for ensuring that the best decisions get made (regardless of how often they don't). But the technology is offering us new ways to communicate, and opening up potential in the culture for new organizational relationships, ie., bringing us all together to work on global issues. And stuff. It's just the beginning. Kudos to Jane and team for pushing in this direction in such an exciting way.
And if you gots Superstruct stories... share em?