Just got back from IMGDC 2008, the indie MMO Game Developers Conference, and for the second year running, the conference does a great job of pulling together some of the top Indie developers and designers (Gordon Walton, Dr. Richard Bartle, Brian Green) in a very approachable setting. Some of the best value in a working conference is the ability to connect with your peers, network, talk ideas, best practices, latest developments, etc., and IMGDC is a great venue for just that.
Seriously, the format is designed to be much more like an unconference than some the bigger bretheren, with a degree of interactivity that's hard to find elsewhere. The sessions are all set around a central table, so that all participants have the chance to, well, participate. I'll fess up here, I'm on the advisory board, but regardless, I had a great time connecting with others working in MMO creation... and especially given the genuine passion all participants brought to the conference. We're in this because we love it. And that makes a tremendous difference.
Anyway, Jonathon Stevens of Last Straw Games made sure that the sessions were recorded, so hopefully they'll be online soon, so you can see for yourself how much fun we had. And next year, hope to see you there as well.
IMGDC is one of my favorite conferences and I'm very sorry I could not attend this year. For anybody in the MMOG space who has not been, it's by far the best event for us. A very intimate and informative two days with a wonderful mix of information-dense presentations and inspiring and useful conversations. I'm glad to hear this years' event went well. Kudos to Jonathan for a job well done!
Posted by: gamegrrrl | April 06, 2008 at 07:08 PM