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Hey, Travis. You raise an important question. I think the obvious answer is to reward players for doing things that transfer tacit knowledge. For example, A Tale in the Desert has quests that require experienced players to return to newbie zones in a mentoring role.


"it is one thing to read and comprehend what it is like to play in groups ("I just read a guide on how to be a tank. OK, now I can do it.") it is another thing to actually do it. New players break social norms and misunderstand subtle cues that experienced players take for granted."

it's interesting to raise this one tier higher on the phenomenological scale... what does this mean toward the distinction of simulation-based learning (tacit and explicit) and corporeal learning? There's the difference between reading tanking instructions and learning through experience; then there's the difference between learning, for instance, cooperation team management in a virtual world, or learning the same through physical, face-to-face interaction

Tacit knowledge, to me, sounds like anything from acculturation to ideology? Funny that a child can become street-wise on a virtual street long before he's buying his own pants ;)


so we can look at a medic in the military...

learning (corporeal experience)

virtual learning (priesting in wow)

virtual virtual learning (reading a faq on priesting in wow)

virtual virtual virtual learning (browsing faq forums to learn how to write a faq on priesting in wow)

virtual virtual virtual virtual learning (reading the comments section of a blog posting to learn about browsing faq forums to learn how to write a faq on priesting in wow?)

nah, i'd say add one 'virtual' preface to each member of this list and we'd be getting closer to a point of some kind ;)

jeremy snyder

i think will kind of hit on the same response that came to me - it's all about the player interaction. the thing is that even if you meet someone from your same real-world cultural group, if they are already more established (e.g. n00b/established player interaction) they are perceived as being part of a new culture, because they are immersed in the game or virtual world culture. consider that the newbie is still learning about guilds, sims, etc, which all make up the new culture. so that's one aspect - get new players into the culture thru contact with older players.

aside from that, i think any in-world actions that help them learn the history of the world as well as important avatars would be helpful. i think that requires having older players not only interacting with newbies but serving as part of the quest mechanics.

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