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Celia Pearce

Both interesting news items. While I agree that it is a real sign of progress that the AMA is considering the social bonds formed in MMOGs, I find it a little unnerving that the focus seems to be on the potential dangers of MMOGs without really necessarily giving equal time to their possible therapeutic uses. We both know stories of, for instance, people who are ill or disabled who literally get a new lease on life when they find a productive role to play in an online community and people with severe shyness for whom spending extended periods in an online game produced a noticeable reduction in shyness in the workplace. Of course this builds on existing research on phobia exposure in virtual reality, which has been empirically proven to be effective. So one hopes that eventually the AMA will also begin to explore the possibility that MMOGs may have some positive benefits as well.

ron meiners

Yes, absolutely, good points. It will doubtless progress in positive directions from this start (due, in part, to the efforts of danah and even you and I). Someone pointed out in a private discussion that this also enables the recognition of these disorders by health insurance providers, another very important legitimacy.

Actually too... he states it so boldly: "...more successful in their online social relationships..." which really is what it's all about. The next step is a fuller appreciation of what that can mean?

ron meiners

Yes, absolutely, good points. It will doubtless progress in positive directions from this start (due, in part, to the efforts of danah and even you and I). Someone pointed out in a private discussion that this also enables the recognition of these disorders by health insurance providers, another very important legitimacy.

Actually too... he states it so boldly: "...more successful in their online social relationships..." which really is what it's all about. The next step is a fuller appreciation of what that can mean?

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