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"Will the Chinese government intervene in player creation and expression?"

Is there any reason the believe they wouldn't? Chinese government intervenes and monitors communication on web forums, instant messaging, etc. Why wouldn't they exercise the same policy on all online spaces?

"What about the capitalistic aspect of the game? Will the government try to repress that as well"

Again, the capitalistic aspects of the Chinese economy are already controlled more tightly than in probably all Western countries. Should there be a significant liquidity on an online game there is no reason to believe it becomes exception to a policy.

Both controlling free expression and the financial system are ways for the Chinese government to keep demonstrators off the streets. An online game won't change any of that.

"Why not make a virtual world that is more Chinese and less American?"

Virtual environments are not immune to the effect of the culture of its users. Language itself is sufficient push towards a more Chinese online experience than American (whatever that would mean).

Onder Skall

There are some pretty significant differences from a technical perspective that, for me, clearly show that it's separate software. The physics look different, the animations are very different, there are a different number of polys in the avatar's faces (closer to There), there are amazing vehicle controls, the lighting is more subtle (closer to WoW), the interface for customization is dramatically different... I could go on. It's unique software modelled after SL.

But even if I'm wrong, I don't think Linden Lab would be too worried... after all, they plan on open sourcing all of this anyhow.

SuezanneC Baskerville

Any idea where to get English language support for Hipihi, or where to find an English language version of the Hipihi knowledgebase, or even which link on the Hipihi site leads to the Chinese knowledgebase?

SuezanneC Baskerville

Do the nice car models in Hipihi actually work?

SuezanneC Baskerville

Hey Onder, did you make it into Hipihi yet? There's lots of info on my blog, and it has a link the the IdeaShape forum, which is an English language forum operating from China focused on Hipihi with a Hipihi staff looking after the bug report forum.

Also, write to [email protected] with questions.

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We can probably understand China's long-term strategy this way. Business is war. Elephant forces were used by some ancient warring kingdoms to overwhelm enemy combatants who were on foot. China (the government/state) is a powerful elephant advance force. The foreign businesses competing in the global economy are footsoldiers by comprison. When the advance elephant force has created a large vacuum in the defence of the enemy footsoldiers, the smaller Chinese businesses (their footsoldiers) can now attack and defeat the disintegrated enemy.

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